Jayden Heads Home for the Holidays

Jayden was born at just 27-weeks' gestation. At birth, he required resuscitation and was placed on a mechanical ventilator to help him breathe. He was diagnosed with chronic lung disease of prematurity, also known as bronchopulmonary dysplasia, as well as pulmonary hypertension.
He was first transferred from a local hospital to Mount Sinai's NICU, where he continued to receive care until he was stable enough to move on to the next step of his journey of rehabilitation.
Jayden was admitted to Blythedale Children's Hospital for post acute neonatal care as well as ventilator weaning. His mother, Isabel, when asked where she'd like to send her child, immediately responded "Blythedale".
"After those 10 months, they told me he needed rehabilitation," said Isabel. "But my other son, Jeffry, was (a patient) at Blythedale, and we had an amazing experience, a wonderful experience, so I chose Blythedale."

Twenty years ago, Jeffry was born prematurely and was also admitted to Blythedale for ventilator weaning and complex rehabilitation.
Jayden was under the care of Attending Neonatologist Dr. Dennis Davidson. He and his team carefully monitored Jayden and were able to wean him slowly off of the ventilator. Additionally, Jayden was on a complex regimen of medication for his pulmonary hypertension that required precise oversight. Jayden required a tracheostomy in order to breathe as well as a gastrostomy jejunostomy tube for feeding.

Once Jayden was strong enough, he received occupational, physical, and feeding therapies at his bedside. He also was able to attend Blythedale's Infant and Toddler Developmental Program where he learned how to play as a two-year-old would if he were at home. His family also learned to care for him through Blythedale's Parent and Family Education program so that they were prepared once they headed home.
That happy day finally came in December. Jayden was discharged home to be with his family, just in time for the holidays.